- Orange Botswana participates at 2022 World Telecommunications and Information Society Day
- Orange Botswana donates to the Seven River villages in the Kgatleng Region
Highlighting the opportunities information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to communities and economies, Orange Botswana took part at the 2022 World Telecommunications and Information Society Day (WTISD) Commemorations. The hybrid event, entailing both virtual and physical facets, was held in Mmathubudukwane on the 17 th of May 2022 under the theme “Digital Technologies for the Older Persons and Healthy Ageing”.
Orange Botswana maintains a passion and commitment to people across Botswana when it comes to bridging the digital divide. The business believes in and supports the Government’s agenda to redirect the economy to be a more knowledge-based one, and this does not, as many may think, mean a sole focus on youth.
“The demand is urgent for us to consider and identify what works well for us as a society and what does not work. Every stakeholder is to reinforce what works for them and replace what does not work with new, innovative ways that take advantage of the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. We all need to play our roles to realize technology’s benefits.” Said Minister of Communication, Knowledge, and Technology Honorable Thulagano Merafe Segokgo during World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.
The network underscores how connectivity is an important aspect when it comes to shaping the global information society. Connectivity and safe access bring imperative economic and social benefits and facilitates the effective provision of services in almost every walk of life, whether it is with regards to business, education, employment, the environment, science, or agriculture, amongst many others. To bring such opportunities to the people of Kgatleng District overall, was an honor for Orange Botswana. The mobile network has a long history of bringing together relevant players in the ICT realm to empower Batswana through initiatives such as Data Centre, which is near completion, Digital Schools Programme, Women’s Digital Centres Programme, ATLEGA Mobile Education and a Digital Centre, a new addition which will open this year in Gaborone.
Orange Botswana also participated in Girls in ICT in efforts to empower girls and women in growing their ICT skills. To further support the initiative, Orange Botswana carried out a 3-day coding workshop for young girls in the region and donated 7 Konnecta devices, to be used for connectivity during the activities and then as a donation to the facilities in the Kgatleng region. Young people are digital citizens, and they can bring in the older generation by migrating their caretakers into the digital revolution.

Orange Botswana has in total spent over P345,000.000 towards Girls In ICT and World Telecommunication and Information Society Day commemorations and this includes, 7 Konnecta devices with a yearlong unlimited Premium subscription, event planning and publicity support as well as a Digital Schools Programme Kit with:
• 50 Headsets
• 50 Tablets loaded with local syllabus content
• 2 Video projectors
• 2 HDMI cables
• 2 Raspberry servers
• 2 JBL speakers
• 2 Laptops
• Cases (this contains the package)
Said Orange Botswana Director of Legal & Corporate Affairs, Ms. Lepata Mafa-Nthomola during the previous Girls In ICT Award Ceremony in Mabalane Village, “We need to be inclusive in our efforts, including when it comes to age. Access is access. The aging of the global population will be the defining demographic trend of the 21st century – yet our societies and communities struggle to see the opportunities that this trend can unfold. ICTs have a role to play in achieving healthier aging, but also in helping people build smarter cities, combat age-based discrimination at the workplace, ensure financial inclusion of older persons and support millions of caregivers across the world.”
Orange Botswana, through WTISD and other technology and innovation-driven initiatives, aims to establish a clear vision for building an inclusive information society in today’s increasingly technology-driven world.